AD // Gifted
I always saw myself as a mum of more than one. I never grew up with a brother or sister and it was my dream to have two / three children so that they would always have each other. When I became a mother to my firstborn - Eric, it definitely opened my eyes to what being a parent actually meant. I learnt so much about myself and my capabilities and it really cemented the fact that I would do it all over again.
However, as much as nothing can prepare you for becoming a parent for the first time, welcoming a second child into the family changes things in a completely different way. And now, nearly 8 months down the line, there are definitely some life lessons I've picked up along the way.
1. You Become A Lot More Relaxed.
The things that I used to get neurotic and paranoid over as a first time parent just don't phase me anymore. With Eric I'd set alarms to remind me when bottles ran out of time, I cleaned and scrubbed everything to within an inch of itself and would agonise for ages making sure his nappies were done up just right.
But now I just don't have a choice but to go with the flow. I never remember the last time Ezra had a bottle, I don't bother changing him if his clothes get a bit dirty and if things end up in his mouth that have been on the floor.... oh well! I don't have the time to stress out about everyday parenting tasks because with two little ones running (and crawling) around my feet all day I just have to get on with it. If I was to try and keep up with the same level of what I saw as "perfect parenting" the first time round I think I would probably end up in a heap on the floor.
2. There Are New Things To Worry About
In place of the worries that come hand in hand with being a first-time parent come new stresses. The biggest for me was trying to get my head around bringing a new baby home. How was Eric going to take it? Would he feel left out? The Mum Guilt was so real and it took a long time to get the balancing act right. Both my boys are very lively and vivacious and sometimes keeping them both happy renders me exhausted by the time their bedtime rolls around.
I find myself focusing less on worrying about Ezra hitting 'milestones' and instead still tend to hone in on Eric. I think because he is my firstborn I'm waiting with bated breath for him to do things more. Whereas with Ezra - well, I just let him get on with things. It's nice to not be panicking over things he has or hasn't achieved but sometimes he will learn to do things so quickly that I need to make sure to stop and acknowledge them with the praise and delight they deserve too.
3. Baby Comfort Is Key*
When it came to dressing Eric it was a definite learning curve trying to figure out the best items to have in his wardrobe and the ones that were just not worth bothering with. This time around and I consider myself a seasoned professional in the art of one-handed dressing and I am very selective about what clothing pieces I decide to lay out for Ezra day-to-day.
I, of course, want him to look cute but comfort is also a major factor. As the younger sibling, Ezra gets hauled around with us to all the toddler-friendly places that his older brother loves. He is in and out of car seats, prams, highchairs and does his fair share of playing, eating and exploring. His clothes need to ensure that he is able to move freely and bare the brunt of his everyday baby activities.
For a brand that combines the cute with the pretty and the practical then you really need to keep your eye on La Coqueta's Spanish baby clothes. Their latest collection is absolutely stunning and ideal to see your baby through from chilly Spring mornings to warm Summer evenings. They very kindly gifted us the Belladona Knitted Dungarees and I just want to dress Ezra in them every day. Classic, simple in design and utterly versatile they will look gorgeous paired with vests, cardigans and t-shirts alike. All I need is some sunnier weather to show up so I can style those dungarees up and you'd best get ready for some seriously adorable Instagram content.
As a brand, I know pieces from La Coqueta stand the test of time (I worked with them on a post two years ago and I still use the piece I was gifted to this day!) Bringing a little luxury into your baby's wardrobe their items are on the more premium side but in my eyes, they are well worth the investment. At a time where we need to be more conscious of fast fashion, you definitely get your cost per wear.
And I mean....just look how adorable Ezra looks in those little blue dungarees. Excuse me while my heart melts a little bit...
4. You Are A Lot More Confident
I used to be so nervous about what people would think of my unique parenting technique, but now I really couldn't care less. I have so much more faith in myself and my confidence as a Mum could not be higher. Yes, there are times where I feel a bit confused (we're in the middle of potty training Eric right now and I still don't know if I'm doing it right) but I have two beautiful boys who show me every day that as a parent I'm doing okay.
I've also become really open about the fact that I am a mum with a disability. I used to feel quite ashamed of that but now I'm empowered by it. On the one side, it makes me very vulnerable but on the other, it makes asking for help so much easier.
5. Time Flies So Quickly
Now I thought time was going fast already, but throw a second child into the mix and it feels like the days just go by faster and faster. I honestly cannot believe I have a nearly 3-year-old and an 8-month-old. It feels like yesterday that I was still pregnant the first time around.
I really have to make a conscious effort to savour every moment. To take a step back and take in the boys, watch them grow and bond, see their personalities develop. Because before I know it they will be older, more independent and needing me less and less. They both learn new things every day and sometimes (especially with Eric) it makes me at the same time very happy and very sad that his baby days are coming to an end. Potty training is really the last step into full toddlerhood and I'm not sure I'm entirely prepared for that.
So soak it all up - the good times and the trying times. The times where you laugh and the times where you go off and have a cry in the toilet. Because it all really does go so fast and in the blink of an eye they are all grown up, with their own thoughts and ideas, and you are left watching in the wings in wonderment as your children step out on the start of their own life adventure.