Sometimes, particularly in Winter, it's hard to feel peppy and enthusiastic all the time. The weather is bad, we are feeling the pinch after Christmas and New Year, and things just seem a bit bleak.
I know I was feeling that way. Around Christmas time, I was feeling really down in the dumps. I was feeling under the weather, and just overall felt a bit defeated and, well, jaded! It was not a good feeling. I didn't like it, and I knew that there was something wrong.
Then, when NYE came, I decided to throw all of my negativity out the window (along with some VERY old clothes), and focus on the good stuff!
Sometimes, I get so wrapped up in counting all the lemons that life throws me that I forget to throw them back and say "f*ck you!!" There is no way I want this post to be a "WOE IS ME" post. NO WAY! But I still want to be candid.
Life can be rubbish sometimes!
But it's important to look on the positive side and be thankful for what you do have, finding ways to make you claim back that warm fuzzy feeling inside when you feel all is right with the world. Grabbing life by the balls and saying "Right, you. Now we can work together, or you can be against me, but either way, I'm going to come out a winner!"
So, because I feel like my attitude has turned a corner, I just wanted to share tips that I've found useful. I always try to remember these things, and if ever I'm feeling down, doing something on this list nearly always cheers me up.
Learn to love: I'm not talking about running out into the wilderness and hunting down Heathcliff. I'm talking about loving yourself. Finding something that you can't get enough of. If it helps, write a list of things you are good at. Use this as a go-to for pointers. Me- I love the fact that I've achieved so much. I never let anything get in my way of doing something...although one-handed shoelace tying I'm still working on!
Make time: Don't get so caught up in life that you forget about the people who love you. I consider myself very lucky to have the people in my life that I do. I always see my friends as an extension of my family, and I know that I don't always make enough time for them in my life. Friends are there to listen to you and support you. Don't forget you can turn to them if you need them. And make time for them. Do something fun together, and just laugh. Laugh lots. Laugh until your stomach hurts and you can't laugh any more. Guaranteed that after that life will have regained its rosy tone!
Do It: Try something new. It could be a new hobby, or travelling to somewhere different...Plan to do something that scares you. You don't have to make extravagant plans. Even if it's just walking a different way to work, cooking a new recipe, writing a story, calling somebody you've been meaning to in ages but never got round to it...Just in the planning stages something can get you giddy and excited. This year, I'm going to visit more of my friends. I'm thinking of going to my first festival. I want to do a skydive and a zip-line for charity. I've booked a ticket to go to my first classical concert. Just thinking about all these plans makes me feel happy!
Pamper Yourself: Take some time out of every day for you to do something you love. An hour lying on the sofa watching your favourite TV show, listening to your favourite music, meeting up for coffee with somebody... Don't forget to treat yourself to something that makes you feel good. It may be hard to do, but the main person who's going to help you feel better is you. For me, it's bubble some candles, putting on my favourite relaxing music, and indulging in a hot chocolate or glass of wine in the bath. It's not much, but it makes me feel so much better.
Flowers is another thing. I LOVE flowers. Roses are my absolute favourite, but if I bought myself roses all the time I'd look a bit weird. Bright flowers are the main thing. Bringing colour into your life I think can really help brighten your spirits. It doesn't even have to be flowers. Try wearing bright colours. I know I went through a stage in my life of wearing really dark clothes, all the time, and it really didn't help where I was at the time. Now, my wardrobe is a sea of rainbows, and wearing those clothes really makes me feel better. Even if it's just adding a pop with a scarf, earrings, or bag. Colour = Happy!!
I hope I haven't blah-ed on too much in this post. I just really wanted to share my feelings and ideas on turning yourself around out of the January blues!
Life, after all, is what you make it.