
Cook with Ginger: Lindt Easter Cakes

A few weeks ago, this recipe on mybakingaddiction caught my eye. I'd never seen anything like it before, and I really wanted to give it a go. 

But then, I got thinking.....I wanted to make these cakes as gifts for Easter, but not everybody likes Creme Eggs. So, in place of these, I chose Lindt Chocolate Eggs instead. 

Today, I had the afternoon off work, so I decided to get baking!!

I followed the recipe, using a sponge mix in place of making my own up, and substituted the Lindt eggs in the recipe in place of the Creme Eggs. For frosting, I used a chocolate icing sugar mix, and used this to glue another chocolate egg on top. 

They didn't turn out perfectly.... 

....In my usual style they were misshapen  a bit lopsided, and a little bit messy, but they tasted BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to share them with my friends as Easter gifts. They are the perfect alternative to buying pre-made cakes, or even Easter eggs. And the beauty of home-baking is that things don't have to look perfect. Putting love into your cakes is better than spending hours on something and hating it in the end!

For my next batch I'm going to experiment using a variety of different mini eggs to see what they come out like. I'll appoint myself "Official Taster" of course, just in case there's something wrong with the cakes. 

Don't want my friends to get a bad lot after all! 

Ginger x

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