
Creating A Boho Side Braid | Just Add Ginger

Just Add Ginger Blog

Being able to do a braid has been on my hair wishlist for years. Since my teenage years I have always had relatively long hair, so the possibility was there, but I was never sure of exactly how I could achieve it.

Then a few weeks ago, whilst we were visiting Mama & Papa Ginger, I met up with my friend Saunders, who, on that day, was sporting a very lovely looking side braid. And then it hit me....I realised that doing a braid just might actually be possible. The next day, I took a deep breath, and attempted my first braid.

I don't think I'll ever be able to do a super-neat braid, but I love the messier hairstyles. They suit my stupidly thick main a lot better. So if you want really polished hairstyles this video may not be for you. But if you're like me, and are always drawn towards the more relaxed styles, then please give this video a click!

And I  know I always say it but if you know anyone who could find this tutorial helpful, please share it round. I really want to inspire confidence in those you of out there who may need it, and show you that anything is possible!

Pssst.... To see more videos in my "One-Handed Ways" series, click here

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