
V is for Vlogging

V: Vlogging 

It took me a very, very, VERY long time to build up enough confidence to feel that I could start up a JustAddGinger YouTube channel. I have been watching YouTube videos for years, and everybody who makes them always has such on-camera confidence and charisma. I never thought that would be something I could do. 

I don't live an out-of-the-ordinary life, so vlogging every day would not be something I could do (we'd have Snoozers in the audience,) so saving my vlogging for days when I am doing exciting/different things makes it more special for me. Even if it's just going in to town, or chilling out with my friends, I really enjoy just picking up a camera, and having a chat; it's a great way to share memories with people! 

Here are two of my vlogs from my JustAddGinger channel. The first was my first EVER vlog and I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo nervous (can you tell?)  But looking back, I'm really proud how much confidence I have gained, and how much happier I am being myself in front of the camera! 

I don't have the best camera, or editing software yet, but it's a work-in-progress! If you like my vlogs, let me know. Feedback and handy tips are always welcome. Give me thumbs up on the videos you like, so I know what I'm doing right, leave me a comment, and subscribe! 

Does anybody else have a YouTube channel? Share the links in the comments below! 

Ginger x

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